I’m not very good at explaining what I do. And, it feels a bit cheesy to admit what I really think I am: a Freedompreneur!
But lately, a lot of people have been asking me, What do you do? You know, for work?
Usually, the questions result in my brows creasing and my gaze lifting skyward as I contemplate the easiest way to describe my current work life (and sources of income).
So, I decided to write this blog to answer the many questions that have been coming my way…
What do I do all day?
How do I get paid?
How can I live when I only “work” one day a week?
First, I’ll do a quick explanation of what I’ve been doing since I resigned from the Ambulance. (If you don’t already know, I was a paramedic and a firefighter/ paramedic for 13 years).
Then, I’ll show how that led me to where I am now: living a life of freedom.
The life of a Freedompreneur.
When I resigned from being a paramedic, I spent six months hanging out at my Mum’s, recovering from the severe sympathetic nervous system overstimulation that my body was in. Because of all I’d seen, I had to learn to relax and trust in life again.
First, I began chipping away at building an Instagram following, which was based entirely on an intuitive belief that I would one day need it. (Read more about the real start to my Instagram journey)
Next, I started running retreats for the amazing Surf and Yoga retreat company SwellWomen, which I had already connected with before I resigned.
On retreat in Maui with SwellWomen
After that, I moved back to the East Coast of Australia to begin living the new life of an entrepreneur.
At the time, I was envisioning that my future would involve running retreats, workshops and events around mindfulness, yoga and adventure. I wanted to make the most of what I could offer my clients, and also have a way to support myself in between retreats. Therefore, I enrolled in a year-long mediation teacher training with ACHS, and completed my Reiki 1 and 2 Certificates with the gorgeous Marja Jacobsen.
I also enrolled in the Beautiful You Life Coaching Course (I highly recommend this course) as I knew that becoming a life coach would facilitate retreat-running and would give me the avenue I needed to serve women like me.
I began one-on-one coaching, incorporating my deep love and experience of Buddhist Insight Meditation (a decade of sitting long Insight retreats, daily practice and extensive study of the teachings) to bring a deep awareness to my clients goals and visions.
In addition, I taught (and still do teach) one day a week of yoga at my man-besties kick-ass studio One Big Heart ( I loooooooove teaching yoga). This is my official, formal “work”.
Teaching at One Big Heart Studio in Camden
Through all of this, I was writing a memoir about the 13 years I sent as a paramedic. I took multiple writing courses with the best selling author and incredible human Joanne Fedler and I was even lucky enough to get a spot in her highly renowned annual writers retreat… in Fiji! (OMG this was the coolest thing I did last year.)
I wrote 100,000 words towards that memoir, and then I stopped. Due to the dark nature of the book, I felt that I needed to swim out of the dark pond I’d been in and take a giant heaving breath of fresh air.
So I set it aside (don’t worry, I’ll come back to it someday).
Only problem was, I had developed quite the daily writing habit. I couldn’t stop myself, so I began to write blogs instead.
I couldn’t stop my itching fingers from typing.
(But I could only write so many for myself.)
I began writing blogs, webcopy and social media content for others… and I found a whole new love (you can read about my copywriting services here)