Do you know how to follow your dreams? We all have them. Some of them are big. Some of them are small. As we know, size doesn’t matter. What matters is if you’ve figured out how to follow your dreams.

We are sensible people. But many of us long to do something more exciting with our lives. Secretly, at night, we dream of something bigger, something better, something more. 


We had so many uninhibited dreams when we are kids, then somewhere along the line we learned to do the “right” thing. We took the path that brought us security and safety, and now we are left feeling flat. 

There’s a contrast at play in our lives, on one hand we aim to practice contentment and be grateful for what we have. On the other hand, we must stay true to our highest self’s deepest longings. A life can feel empty without creativity, contribution and personal growth. 

The question is…

Do you feel stuck? Empty? Flat?

Is there something you long for, but don’t know what it is? 

Do you know what you want, but can’t imagine how to get there? 


Exercise: Learning to follow your dreams

Like anything, learning to follow your dreams is a skill you can practice.

The exercises below will help you find your way to the first few steps. Grab a journal, a pen (and maybe a coffee?) and nestle yourself into a quiet place.


Step 1: What do you long for?

+ What do you think needs to change for your life to be richer?

+ What gifts do you possess that aren’t currently being used? 

+ What’s missing from your life that you can’t stop thinking about? Is there anything that calls to you? That you long for?

+Is there anything you really want to uncover? A question or area you’ve been keeping secret, or are afraid to admit?

Ok, now look back over your answers and find the common thread: what is it that you want? It doesn’t have to be something huge: it could just be that you want to be more content. 


Step 2: Connecting to Emotion

+Write down the dream or deep desire that you uncovered in step one

+Contemplate: if in six months, you’d found a way to have it: how would your life be different? What would change? 

+Close your eyes and feel your body. Imagine that in six months, you run into a friend you haven’t seen in a while. They ask you what is new. Imagine yourself telling them what you have achieved. Really feel into it. How does obtaining this goal make you feel? 


Step 3: Taking Action 

+Now that you know what you want, and how it will make you feel to get there, what 3 steps could you take right now to start in that direction? Write them down. 

+Take each step and ask: Is this action simple and small? Could I do it this week? If not, break that action into smaller actions that you can complete as soon as possible. Do this until you have 3 obtainable actions for the week

+Get out your calendar and schedule a time to take these three actions. 

+If you like, continue to plan out the next few weeks. 


Repeat this exercise as many times as you need to until your dreams are met!


The reality is: you will never follow your dreams until you 

+know what you want

+connect to your why

+take action. 


This is your life, and you can create it however you like. So stop wasting time…and get busy making magic. 


Find out how Mindfulness Coaching can bring you closer to your dreams.